
Jan Grobicki

* 24.06.1936


+ 14.12.2011

Miejsce pochówku: Warszawa, cm. Służewski Nowy (ul. Wałbrzyska)


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Maciej Osuch
Cóż Aniu pisać? Że przyszło nam w tym samym czasie żegnać naszych Rodziców? Zauważyłem że Twój Tato to rówieśnik mojej Mamy. Tyle samo czasu im odmierzono... Już mają Spokój... Współczuję.
Ewa Karpinska
przyjaciółka Córki
Kochana Aniu. przyjmij proszę wyrazy współczucia i żalu ode mnie i Andrzeja.Wiemy,co czujesz po stracie najbliższej Osoby. Wydaje się,że nic nie może zmniejszyć smutku i bólu-ale pozostało przecież tak wiele jasnych i dobrych wspomnień.Są i będą Twoim dziedzictwem. Ewa Karpińska
Koledzy ze Stowarzyszenia
Panie Janie.
Żegnamy, ale będziemy pamiętać.
Koledzy z Polskiego Stowarzyszenia na rzecz Badań Technicznych i Atestacji
Ewa Kolasińska
przyjaciółka córki
Kochana Aniu, Przyjmij wraz z Mamą i Twoją Rodziną najszczersze wyrazy współczucia. Twojego Tatę miałam zaszczyt znać i wiem jakim był ciepłym, serdecznym i życzliwym dla ludzi człowiekiem, pełnym wyrozumiałości i pomocy w ludzkich zmaganiach z życiem. Aniu, jestem z Tobą sercem i myślami. Ewa Kolasińska
Krzysztof Grabarek
Ciociu, Aniu, I have been thinking about you this past week, wishing that I could have come with Jadzia to be with you today. Iris and I send our deepest sympathies. Wujek Janek was very kind, thoughtful, and caring, and played a big role in my growing up. I will miss him. I am including below a section of a letter I wrote to wujek Janek in 2008. They are the memories I have of wujek, and express my thoughts from this past week. All my best. Krzyś ---------------------------- Wujku, Recently I was asked in a class to describe myself using various adjectives. My first adjective was "Polish". So why would an immigrant, who left Poland when he was five, who would never pass for Polish in any Polish town (not even Chicago), still feel Polish? An important reason for that is you. It was you who took me into the mountains. It was you who took me to Żelazowa Wola. It was you who took me to Oświęcim. It was you who introduced me to the family and friends that told me stories and described what being Polish was about. Some of my fondest memories are spending time with you in the mountains. Getting lost in the clouds with rain in my boots. Rushing up ahead on the trail in the Biesczady, losing my way, and then having you eventually find me and yell at me for not paying attention. Driving with you into town and having an old mechanic fix your car for a "nie najlepszom" butelke?. Having trouble sleeping in the mountains, because you were snoring just a little bit louder than me. Zakopane is one of my favorite places to be, and I would not know that without you. There are many times when I think about who I am, and what has gone into the person that I am. Sometimes it is one of these memories or a story that you have told that can help me explain to someone else who I am. I on occasion tell the story of when you were a boy, and your neighbor, the priest, was taken away by Stalin. You described how the people in town were afraid to go to church after that. You told me of how you went to your mother, and asked what you should do, since you were the alter boy. You ended up going to church because you felt it was your duty. I remember you told me this story as an example of your former religious beliefs. For me it is a story of always following your heart and doing what you believe is right, even if it is difficult or scary. You are my wujek. I miss you. Krzyś
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Ewa Kolasińska
Ewa Kolasińska
(przyjaciółka córki) napisał(a) dnia 2011-12-20
Kochana Aniu, Przyjmij wraz z Mamą i Twoją Rodziną najszczersze wyrazy współczucia. Twojego Tatę miałam zaszczyt znać i wiem jakim był ciepłym, serdecznym i życzliwym dla ludzi człowiekiem, pełnym wyrozumiałości i pomocy w ludzkich zmaganiach z życ(...)
zapalił(a) dnia 2022-12-14
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