
Sławomir Adamiak

* 08.08.1965


+ 17.02.2018

Miejsce pochówku: Międzyborów


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Hein Timmerman
Niech się dzieje wola Nieba, Z nią się zawsze zgadzać trzeba. A. Fredro Dear beloved family of Slawek, It is a shock to hear this very sad news. I only have respect for the enthousiasm and positive attitude Slawek had. I am happy to know him personally, and had the chance to share with him training at many occasions, and he used to call me 'his teacher' at any moment, even having a beer or enjoying a meal and a good conversation. Nobody deserves to leave life so soon. I will never forget you, my friend. I present my sincere condoleances to the family.
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Uvis Soika
It is hard to understand that we lost Slawek... Very good colleague and friend. It was just in January when we met and now everything is changed, we will meet only in memories... I wish strength and endurance to the Slawek family in this difficult and sad time Uvis
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Paweł Kuciński
"wiadomość o śmierci mojego kolegi i przyjaciela Sławka wstrząsnęła mną dogłębnie, trudno pogodzić się z tak wielką stratą"...zawsze będzie w mojej pamięci. Proszę przyjąć ode mnie wyrazy najszczerszego współczucia i żalu.
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Robert Kucinski z Rodziną
Wyrazy głębokiego żalu współczucia dla Beaty Bartka i Huberta oraz całej Rodziny Sławka od całej naszej rodziny. Sławku, będziemy zawsze pamiętać ....Kucińscy
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Paul Verbiest
(Portfolio colleague)
Dear family, friends and colleagues of Slawek, I wish you all the strength in this difficult period. My condolences.
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Ruud Verheul
How cruel that somebody is taken away at a too young age. I remember Slawomir as an enthusiatic person who would go to extremes to achieve his goals. In pharma he really felt home. Such a shock to loose a collegue and friend. To the family i want to convey my heartfelt sympathy. Its always hardest for the ones remaining. The pain will go away and will be replaced by a feeling that you were blessed in knowing a great human being, I am sure.
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Andreja Rakuš
My dear Friend. You give us so much and your great personality will stay with us- in our harts for ever. Only nice memories, only nice and positive feelings, friend which always helped and also really listen. Srečno pot Slawek, se vidimo. Andreja
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Lara Seri
What is dying? A ship sails and I stand watching till she fades on the horizon, and someone at my side says, "She is gone". Gone where? Gone from my sight, that is all; she is just as large as when I saw her... the diminished size and total loss of sight is in me, not in her, and just at the moment when someone at my side says "she is gone", there are others who are watching her coming, and other voices take up the glad shout, "there she comes!" ...and that is dying. -- Bishop Charles Henry Brent --
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Céline Lovato
(Your best pharma friend)
My dear best pharma friend. You have been so special and unique in many ways. Your passion, your love of life, your kindness, your intelligence will stay in my mind and heart forever. I will deeply miss you. It has been a great honor to know you. It is time for you to take care of yourself. Repose en paix. Tu vas me manquer mon ami. Céline
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Zuzana Hoang Trung
(koleżanka z pracy)
Wyrazy szczerego żalu i współczucia dla żony, synów i rodziny.
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Sławomir Adamiak